Saturday, January 8, 2011

Social Media & Internet Marketing Consultants Charlotte Lake Norman NC

Many of my clients have asked me “What qualifications should a good Social Media & Internet Marketing Consultant have” ?

That’s a good question.  A qualified Social Media Marketing & Internet Marketing Consultant needs two things:

1.       A strong technology background

2.       A proven sales and marketing record

They need a strong technology background to be able to use the current tools to develop systems that will provide the desired results, and can understand changing trends and evaluate new opportunities that may be relevant.

They need a proven sales and marketing record to understand how to develop and implement systems  that will provide relevant and meaningful information about  your products or services to people on their terms, where they are online everyday so that they will get to know you, like you and trust you which will produce more customers and business.  

I have years of corporate technology experience  developing and implementing software with several major U.S. companies.  As Vice President and Technology Project Manager for one of the largest financial institutions in the world I worked on many large projects including the development and implementation of the company's intranet (their internal web) which was rolled out to over 160,000 employees.

 After that I had several years of successful sales and marketing experience as a multi-million dollar annual sales producer.  I was recognized in Charlotte Magazine for 3 years as recipient of the "Best in Client Satisfaction" award for my industry.

To recap:

A qualified Social Media & Internet Marketing Consultant needs to have a strong technology background and sales and marketing experience that enables them to develop and implement systems, programs and campaigns that will develop relationships producing more leads, customers and profits for your business.

If you found this information helpful please go to  to see more videos  on Social Media & Internet Marketing and get my free white paper” How Businesses are Leveraging New Internet Marketing Platforms Like Video, Social Media and Mobile to Acquire Customers and build a Supportive Community”.   This information will give you an unfair advantage over your competition and can vastly improve your sales.  

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